Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The End Of The Journey

Battlestar Galactica (BSG) reached the end of its four season run this past weekend, and Susan and I thoroughly enjoyed the finale. We'd never seen the show prior to this year, and I was a little hesitant to get into it - though I did have a suspicion that if I watched it, I would like it. I grew up loving the original BSG (now apparently called BSG Classic), and was hopeful that the updated series would treat my childhood memories kindly.

Well, thanks to the power of DVDs and some generous friends, we watched all of the episodes we had missed, often in weekend long binges, and were 'caught up' to the final season by episode 12. This allowed us to be fully part of the community as the show ramped up to it's climactic finish.

I've read a good deal online regarding the fan community's dissatisfaction with the final episode, but, barring the incongruous MSNBC robotics montage, I was thoroughly satisfied with the finale. From a science-fiction perspective, the story did leave a little to be desired, but that wasn't the point. True, they did 'tie up' some loose ends (taking the easy way out, literally, with Starbuck) and eliminate any possibility of sequels...but, and most importantly, they also allowed us, as fans, to properly say good-bye to these friends with whom we'd traveled the stars for so long.

Through the run of the show, and without even realizing it fully until it was over, I began to think of these characters as family and friends. I'm glad that they finally were able to live their lives in peace, and in a manner that they chose, after running for so long. Thanks to the writers for giving us a touching, but not melodramatic, farewell to the crew of the Galactica and rag-tag fleet that followed them.

So say we all.

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