Tuesday, March 9, 2010

No Sleep Til Aqaba!

Well, it's over.  This past weekend nine crazy people and I ran from the Dead Sea to the Red Sea as part of the Dead2Red Ultra Marathon.  It was 242 kilometers along the Dead Sea Highway, finishing in Tala Bay, just outside of the city of Aqaba.  Our team finished 16th out of 26, in a time of 19 hours, 31 minutes, 43 seconds.  Beginning at 4pm on Thursday, we finally crossed the finish at just after 11:30 on Friday morning.

It was an awesome experience, often quite surreal as we ran through the night passing and repassing the same teams multiple times.  I was often locked in a epic struggle with 'The Bus' (literally a bus...a team rented a huge tour bus for the run) and 'Bandana Guy',  having to overtake them over and over each leg that I ran.  (We did eventually pass them for good sometime in the wee hours of the morning).

Now I'm home, sore, achy, and just feeling that my entire system is a bit 'off'.  Totally glad that I did it, though.